Arrangements for future parents
The KIT assists its employees in all situations. Of course, advice and support are available also for the times of pregnancy and after birth. This page tells you the most important things.
When a child is expected, a large number of questions arise about things now to be considered. The German Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) provides detailed information in its brochures on “Maternity Protection Act” and “Parent Benefits and Parent Time.”
Find further information in the brochure written by the KIT Personnel Service.
Information about regulations and conditions specific to universities is available from the KIT Personnel Development Unit, which will be glad to support and advise you personally in this interesting time.

Compensation pool
Accompanying program
KIT Family Network
KIT supports its employees in all situations. Of course, the KIT also offers advice and support for the period of pregnancy and after the birth. On this page you will find everything you need to know.
Federal Ministry guidelines
The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth provides important information in its various brochures. The new ElterngeldPlus has been available for working parents since 2015. There is also a guide (only in German) with all the new features. The guide "Successfully reconciling parental leave, re-entry and flexible working models" can also be viewed (only in German).
Guideline of the personnel service at the KIT
The KIT Personnel Service provides KIT employees with comprehensive guidelines (only in German) on the intranet page "A-Z" under "B" under "B" that contain important information on the topics of pregnancy, maternity benefit, parental leave or childcare.
You can find information about the pregnancy period on the Human Resources Development and Vocational Training (PEBA) website (only in German). Here you can find out everything you need to know about the time before the birth, such as planning the time until maternity leave, applying for part-time work, etc. You can find more information about the pregnancy compensation pool for Human Resources Development and Vocational Training here (only in German). If you have any questions regarding personnel law, please contact the Human Resources Development Service.
Maternity Protection Act
You can find the full legal text on maternity protection here (only in German). Answers to the most important questions about maternity leave and general information on the subject can be found here.
The BMFSFJ has also published more than 100 pages of guidelines on maternity leave. You can download the entire document here (only in German) as a PDF file. "What is important for employees" is also explained in a small video (only in German).
After birth
After the birth, parents again ask themselves many questions. The BMFSFJ has compiled information in a brochure, which you can obtain here (only in German). You can also get the information you need for the time after the birth from Human Resources Development and Vocational Training (PEBA) (only in German) at KIT. You will also find a compilation of interesting brochures on this subject. The Human Resources Development Service is also available here if you have any questions.
Maternity Leave
The Human Resources Development and Vocational Training (PEBA) (only in German) of the KIT is also available for all questions about parental leave. All important information on the subject of "parental allowance and parental leave" is available there and in the BMFSFJ brochure of the same name here (only in German) to find. If you have any questions regarding personnel law, please get in touch with your contact at PSE.
Detailed information on the topic of "re-entry" can be found here (only in German). You will be happy to receive personal advice and get help with questions about this topic.