Welcome to the KIT Family Portal

The KIT, as an employer and a place of university studies, considers it its duty to look after the needs of its employees and students. Working fathers and mothers face the very special challenge of devoting equal attention to their work and to family life as well as to child care. Students who must simultaneously master the education of and care for their children have to make a tremendous effort. All this takes organizational skills, stamina, but also perseverance.

To provide our employees and students with all important information about the compatibility of studies, work, and family, we developed the Family Portal. This is where KIT staff members will find all information associated with family matters. Besides current developments in family-orientedness of the KIT, the Family Portal also shows how to find the right contact.

Family-friendly KIT


News from the family portal

Grandparents' Day at the State Garden Show in Wangen

On August 2, the Grandparents' Day will take place at the Landesgartenschau (State Garden Show) in Wangen. You can look forward to a varied supporting program for young and old with music, activities for children and grandparents, a play area and an information market. The invitation to the Grandparents' Day can be downloaded here, more information about visiting the Langesgartenschau in Wangen can be found here.




Participants wanted: DJI research project examines fatherhood concepts in a country comparison

The German Youth Institute (DJI) is looking for families who can talk about their experiences as fathers and sons in interviews for the research project "Three generations of fathers in Germany and Poland in comparison". The project, which is funded by the German Research Foundation, is being carried out at the German Youth Institute in Munich. An overview of all the information is available here and the project can be viewed here.




Podcast KEIN DING!


The feminist podcast KEIN DING! is all about the importance of care and custody. Different types of care are discussed with various guests: Emotional responsibility, community care, caring for the environment, caring for people who are ill or need support. You can listen to the podcast here.




Online advice platform HELB

With the state-wide online advice platform HELB, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration aims to provide (expectant) families of children with a possible disability an online contact point. The online advice platform can be accessed here.

Family Report 2024

The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth has published the Family Report 2024. The report can be downloaded here.




New breatsfeeding location at the Studierendenwerk


The Studierendenwerk has set up a new breastfeeding corner for student parents. It is located in the beratungsWERK in the foyer of the Mensa am Adenauerring and is accessible Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Students who would like to take advantage of this are asked to report to the counter of the beratungsWERK beforehand. More information here.



Increase in Child Allowance – is it worth it for me?


From 2024, the maximum amount of Child Allowance (Kinderfreibetrag) is to increase. So far, this alternative to the Child Benefit (Kindergeld) has mostly been benefitial for high income families. However, as a result of the increase, average and lower income families could also benefit from it from this year. All questions and answers concerning the topic can be found here.




Invitation to the Round Table "Studying with a Child at KIT"


The concerns and wishes of you, the students with child(ren), are very important to us, which is why various actors regularly meet at the round table "Studying with a child at KIT". We would like to get in touch with you and find out what concerns you, what you would like support with or which events and offers interest you. If you would like to take part, please contact Sarah Wenz, Head of the Equal Opportunities Office, by e-mail at sarah.wenz@kit.edu. We look forward to your participation!




Gender stereotypes and their financial consequences


Is it a problem if men earn more than women? Is it bad if women spend more time on care work than men? How do gender stereotypes affect income, care work and pension payments? These questions are explored by the Initiative Klischeefrei in this article.




Podcast „Kinderzeit“ about cliché-free daycare


How do role clichés come about? What impact do they have on children and how can we overcome them? The current episode of the „Kinderzeit“ podcast is about cliché-free pedagogy in daycare and primary school. Click here to listen to the podcast.




Mental Load – Women bear the burden


In addition to the division of childcare, housework and caring for relatives, the mental load is a central dimension of partnership or gender-specific inequality. The new WSI report shows that women bear the predominant burden. You can read the report here.




New edition of the flyer "Help and support during pregnancy"

The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth has updated the flyer. It provides information about assistance from the Federal Foundation Mother and Child and how to apply. The flyer also contains information on various benefits and assistance relating to pregnancy and childbirth. The flyer is available for download here




Children's book tips on programming, the internet and AI

These children's book tips help to explain digitalization to children, answer questions about the internet, introduce a coding pioneer and give an overview of what artificial intelligence can actually do. The books are primarily aimed at children of nursery and primary school age




Family and employment in transition


How are employment and care work distributed between partners? The interactive story map of the Federal and State Statistical Offices provides data on family and employment. Using data from the microcensus from 1997 to 2022, the map visualizes the changes in family structures and the employment rates of mothers and fathers by region over time. Click here for the story map.




Business monitor on family friendliness


The  Business Monitor on family friendliness 2023 has been published. Corporate family friendliness is now more important than ever: family-friendly measures are important for around 86% of companies and the compatibility of family and career has become a central element of the strategy for securing skilled workers. The full report can be found here.




Mothers in employment - more partnership urgently needed


More and more mothers and fathers of underage children are working in Germany. Nevertheless, the equal division of employment and care work between the sexes is more of a wish than a reality. This is shown by the latest analysis from the Federal Statistical Office. In 2022, 65% of couples had fathers working full-time and mothers working part-time. In view of the shortage of skilled workers, this potential must be exploited. Practiced partnership and a family-friendly work culture in companies and administrations can help here. Click here for more information.




It won't work without compatibility: securing the skilled workforce of the future


Women represent great employment potential for securing skilled workers. However, increasing women's participation in the workforce is not a sure-fire success. Women still face many obstacles in the world of work. In the future, it will not be possible to achieve work-life balance in companies and administrations. You can find a brief summary of the trade union demands in the DGB brochure on securing skilled workers from a gender perspective. The brochure can be downloaded here.




Reopening of the parent-child learning room | KIT library


The "parent-child learning room" on the 3rd floor of the KIT library is open again - access is regulated by "reservation" (the key to the room can be borrowed from the information desk (from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.)).
More information at https://www.bibliothek.kit.edu/english/parent-child-room.php.





Recommendations for children's use of media


The Reading Foundation provides three services for parents and professionals on how to deal with analog and digital media: "lesenmit.app", "Vorleseideen für die Kita und zu Hause", and "#medienvielfalt". Learn more about the services under "Early Opportunities"




Cuts to the federal budget affect families


The cuts to the social budget for 2024 decided by the federal government affect many family support services. For instance, the 'Kindergrundsicherung' planned for 2025 is to be cut by more than 80%. Furthermore, from 2024, no more funds will be earmarked for 'Familienerholung'. An overview of the planned cuts can be found here.


New family portal of the State Family Council


The State Family Council has set up a new online portal for families and professionals. It includes suggestions and links to professionally tested information and consultation offers on various topics.




Mindfulness in the workplace - training instructions on video


The Conflict Management and Psychosocial Counseling Unit (KMB) offers five 20-minute mindfulness videos, recorded by an MBSR trainer, for practicing mindfulness in the workplace. Click here to watch the videos.



Family-friendly companies - good examples at a glance

In the database for family-friendly companies, good practice examples and reconciliation measures can be viewed. Using the filter function, it is possible to search by topic, sector, company size and federal state.



Protecting children in road traffic

The "Mobile children" brochure provides tips on buying scooters, bicycles and skateboards as well as information on how parents can protect their children from road traffic accidents. The brochure can be downloaded here.



"Kinderbüro ON AIR" | Dates summer 2024


The "Kinderbüro ON AIR" of the Children's Office of the City of Karlsruhe starts into a new season. In regular online events, competent speakers guide you through topics related to raising children, family life and youth protection. The offer is free of charge. Further information and notes on registration and the programme can be found here.




Diaper changing table in the KIT library


A folding changing table is now available in the disabled toilet in the basement of the KIT South Library. The key to the toilet is issued via the information desk on the ground floor. More information at Ein weiterer Schritt zu mehr Familienfreundlichkeit in der KIT-Bibliothek.




T-ZUG: extra time off for employees in the metal and electrical industry


Employees with children, caring responsibilities or working shifts in companies in the metal and electrical industry covered by collective agreements have the opportunity to convert part of their collectively agreed additional pay (T-ZUG) into eight additional days off. For employees, the collective agreement specifically means more compatibility and flexibility.

Here you can find the FAQ.




Fathers' report: Partnership between desire and reality


The latest Fathers' Report from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs takes a look at the life situations, values and attitudes of fathers in Germany. The topic of partnership plays an important role here. Although one in two fathers would like to share the care of their children equally, only one in five fathers actually fulfills this wish. Find out more about the reality of the division of labor in Germany. Click here for the Fathers' Report.




The podcast "Systemrelevant" about  the challenges of family policy


Bettina Kohlrausch, Director of the Hans Böckler Foundation's Institute of Economic and Social Research (WSI), analyzes key aspects of German family policy in the podcast "Systemrelevant" using the example of parental allowance and the right to a childcare place. Listen to the podcast here.




Free lunchboxes for students with children


All students with children can pick up a free lunchbox at the Equal Opportunitiies Office by appointment. Find more information here




Children's brain activity disrupted by lots of screen time


For some parents, it may be a relief when their children watch videos or other things on their smartphone. However, this screen time can have a negative impact on brain activity in the long term.
Researchers from Singapore have conducted a long-term study to investigate how the use of television or smartphones affects young children. You can find a report on this at Deutschlandfunk Nova.




Study: No equality in the labour market through public childcare


Does the expansion of public childcare places have a positive effect on mothers' careers? A new study shows that childcare allows mothers to return to work quickly after giving birth. But a faster return is not enough for career leaps. A summary of the study results can be found here.

